
A mysterious traveller in the Quran

  • January 20, 2025

A mysterious traveller in the Quran

‘A mysterious traveller in the Quran’ relates to a unique aspect of Quranic revelations. Here it is shown how the Quran guides through parables and stories.
Using the epistemology-based study of words, a strange narrative about an encounter of a Prophet Moses with a traveller has been analysed, to reveal insights that are worthy of investigation.
The Prophet Moses, who is an important figure in these events, is a figure respected by all three major monotheistic faiths, and as per the Quran’s classification, it is a true story.
The traveller’s name, though not mentioned in the Quran, is referred to in the traditions as Al-Khizr, or the ‘Green One’.
The Being Khizr, a seeming ageless man, has extensive past, present and future knowledge, and his actions are affecting subtle changes in the historical stream, beneficial for humanity. How big and how far these events cascade down in the future is difficult to say, but preserved securely in the Quran, via the testimony of Prophet Moses, the story of Khizr informs us that in our midst, there are Beings, whom we do not notice, and may not recognise.They work unseen and unaware of others.
The story also provides us an important lesson. It informs us that events or misfortunes that may seem incomprehensible or grieve us at the moment, may have a hidden positive aspect.
A Mysterious Traveller In the Quran
MysteriousTraveler in the Quran

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